Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ticketmaster charge

Or is there such a thing as too much transparency?

Grandstand tickets to the National Cherry Blossom Festival: $17.00
Convenience Charge: $4.25
Order Processing Fee: $3.25

Assuming all charges are profit, that's almost a 44% markup over the $17.00. The order was taken over the Internet with no human interface required. Too little competition: I think so. Monopoly? You bet. Would I have been better off if I had not known the charges and just shelled out $24.50? Maybe.

Some related links to Ticketmaster charges:
Raw Deal: Ticketmaster service charges
Why Ticketmaster Sucks
A whole website devoted to why ticketmastersucks.org
An old anti competitive filing at the DOJ against Ticketmaster in 1988.
Why Tickemaster should not be sued - it's the venues
Ticketmaster-LiveNation merger

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