Monday, April 19, 2010

JIT home visits

One day I had to stay home because we were waiting for a county home inspection for some renovation and another separate inspection by WSSC for a new furnace. The county gave us a 2 hour window (which was expected - most delivery and service trades - plumbers, etc. do the same) while WSSC gave us a 7 hour window (which was a pain).

What would be nice is if home inspectors and delivery people were equipped with GPS (if they aren't already) tracking. Each day, as they venture forth, their schedules are loaded onto a web site.

Us people, would be able to log onto their website and type in our address that is scheduled for service. The web site would return an ID for the vehicle assigned to us. We would then be able to follow the progress of this vehicle along with its proposed schedule. This would give us a good idea as to when they will arrive (barring complications at some other house).

This all falls under a wouldn't it be nice category. Not something that companies or the county for that matter would invest in since there is no return to this investment. Time for some government intervention? Wait, they are the government (well, at least the county is anyway).

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